How much money will you have as per Astrology?
In this article, we will be throwing some light on money yogs formed in a kundali. That is, we will try to study kundali with money point of view.

- Which kundali houses control money?
- Money related Yogs
- Results based on the position of the owner of the second house
Which kundali houses control money?
There are many houses in a kundali that are related to various facets of money in our life – our wealth, our earning, theft, debt, etc. You can see that some of these are on the positive side, while other are more in the nature of setbacks in our life.
Four houses in our lagna chart are related to money matters in our life. Two of them are related to good results, while two others are related to bad results when it comes to money.
- House 11: This house is related to earning and profit-making (through your own hard work), and fulfilment of one’s desires (e.g. kids, marriage, etc.). So, this house is related to good aspects of our money matters.
- House 2: This house is related to wealth creation (i.e. whatever you are earning will get accumulated in the form of bank-balance, real-estate, gold, etc. or not). So, this house is related to good aspects of our money matters.
- House 6: This house is related to both good and bad aspects of our money matters. This house is related to debt, e.g. loan. But loan for asset creation (e.g. home loan), or for expanding your business may be good. Also, if you are a businessman, the 7th house of the kudali is related to your customers, and 6th house represents the expenses done by your customers. So, a good sixth house means that you will get money easily from your customers, which is a good thing, isn’t it?
- House 8: This house is related to pain, obstructions, and struggles in our life, including those concerning money. So, this house is related to bad aspects of our money matters.

10th house is related to our profession (business or job), and 6th house is related with our service-providing skills. But if you are a retail-businessman (especially a stand-alone businessman), then we also need to look at the 7th house. That’s because 7th house is related to our customers.
Apart from these, 12th house is related to our expenditures (it may be in the nature of investment in a business, or just useless waste of money). So, you can see that we have to study a lot of houses in our kundali to gather a big picture regarding our money-making capability, our wealth creation, and the routes via which we will be able to do so.
Money related Yogs
There are various yogs in astrology that are related to money. Some of these are:
- Chandra-Mangal-Lakshmi Yog
- Lakshmi-Narayan Yog: It is formed due to conjunction of Mercury and Venus (in one of the central houses, i.e. 1, 4, 7, 10).
- Maha-Dhani Yog
Keep in mind that these yogs are formed only if 11th and 2nd houses are in a good position, e.g. the owner of these houses must not be marak, and should be sitting in good houses.
We will get good money-related results if planets owning these houses are:
- in exalted state (not debilitated)
- favourable/yogkarak (and not unfavourable/marak)
- sitting in own house (i.e. their own zodiac sign - swagrahi) – for example, owner of second house is sitting in the second house itself, or if owner of the eleventh house is sitting in the eleventh house itself, etc.
- sitting in zodiac sign of a friendly planet.
Also, they should not be eclipsed by the Sun, or very less powerful (planets are very weak if their degree is in the range of 0-2, or 28-30). Eclipsed planets or very weak planets will not be able to provide much good results, even if everything else is fine.
Results based on the position of the owner of the second house
Now, let’s have a look at the affects of the various positions of the owner planet of the second house. We will just focus on the lord of the second house in this article, as otherwise the article will become too long.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the first house, then it means that such a person will earn money by his own personality and efforts, especially by putting himself in front of the customers in a business.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in its own house (i.e. it is swagrahi), then such a person may get money from his own family, from banks, and through his speech.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the third house, then such a person may earn money through his own efforts, struggle, planning, and hard-work. He may be an author or he may be involved in marketing, or getting money through some commission.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the fourth house, then such a person may earn money through parental property (e.g. rent), vehicle, etc.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the fifth house, then such a person may earn money by providing solutions to others, e.g. doctors, consultants, etc (fifth house is related to wisdom/bhuddi). As this house is also related to children, so such a person may also earn through products and services related to kids.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the sixth house, then such a person may earn money by providing services, e.g. in a job, teachers by teaching, lawyers by providing legal aid, etc.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the seventh house, then such a person may earn money through business, especially retail business (wherein we need to deal with customers more often), or through daily wages (e.g. online gigs). This house is not only a house related to business, but also our business partnership and life-partner.
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the eighth house, then such a person will have to struggle a lot to earn money. Eighth house is related to in-laws and research (in engineering, science, occult science such as astrology, etc.). So, such a person may earn money through in-laws and by his research work. (This is also a house of long-term diseases, age/death, etc.)
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the ninth house, then such a person may earn money by imparting higher education, through father, or by indulging in religious activities, etc. (This is a house of long-distance travels, father, spirituality/dharm, higher education, etc.)
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the tenth house, then such a person may earn money through his job or business. Tenth house is the house of our action/karma. So, if the lord of the wealth house (i.e. second house) is sitting in our action/karma house, then it’s a very good combination (Especially, if owner planets of both these houses are friendly to each other).
- Eleventh house is the house of profit. So, if the lord of the wealth house (i.e. second house) is sitting in our profit house, then it’s a very good combination (Especially, if owner planets of both these houses are friendly to each other).
- If the owner of second house is sitting in the twelfth house, then such a person may earn money, but he will have a lot of expenses. He will not easily be able to accumulate wealth. Even if the lords of both these houses are laying sight on each other, or are in conjunction, then such a person will always have money issues. However, this house is also related to investments and earning from foreign countries. So, if such a person is involved in jobs/business related to such areas, then he may earn a lot too. Such people should not keep much money in their savings bank account, but rather should invest it as soon as possible – be in FDs, bonds, or shares, etc.

Apart from the house in which the owner of the second house is sitting, we also need to have a look at:
- The planets that it is in conjunction with.
- The planets that are laying their sight on it.
These will also have an impact on the kind of money-related results we get to see.
For example, consider the following kundali:
The owner of the second house in the above kundali is Sun, and it is sitting in its own house. That is, it is swagrahi. So, such a person may get money from his own family, from banks, and through his speech. Sun in this kundali is neither exalted, nor debilitated. However, as the power of Sun is zero, he will not get very good results. Even if he gets a lot of money, he won’t be able to save much, i.e. he won’t be able to create wealth.
Though, the owner of the eleventh house in the above kundali is Venus, which is sitting in second house. So, the owner of profit-making is sitting in the house of wealth. This is a very good combination. Also, the degree of Venus is 12, which makes it pretty powerful. However, Venus and Sun are enemy planets and so this will reduce the good effects to a certain extent.
Also, note that in the above kundali Sun (owner of second house) and Venus (owner of eleventh house) are in conjunction. Though they are enemy planets, but it will have some good impact. Though Mercury (owner of twelfth house) is also in conjunction with them. So, such a person will do unnecessary expenses too (though not much, as Mercury has a degree of 28, which means it is rather weak). So, such a person should invest his earnings as soon as possible, and should get involved in such a job/business wherein he may earn from foreign countries.
Moreover, both Venus and Sun are favourable (yogkarak) planets in this kundali (along with Mars and Jupiter), but Mercury (and Saturn) are unfavourable planets. So, such a person will earn a lot of money, but he will have problems in converting it into savings/wealth, as he will always be eager to do expenses.
These planets will show their effect the most when their dasha will come (especially mahadasha or antardasha).
If the owner of the second house is an enemy planet of lagnesh, then it will have bad effects on the health of the person when its dasha will come. So, in such a case during the dasha of the planet of the second house, a lot of wealth will be created but such a person will also suffer from ill-health during this time. In the given kundali, the lagnesh (i.e. Moon) is a friendly planet of Sun (the owner of the second house), as both are God planets. So, he will not face such issues.